Karen Koblitz


Ceramic artist Karen Koblitz served as a visiting artist to Moscow, Russia from September 28 through October 5, 2002 for ART in Embassies.

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Ceramic artist Karen Koblitz served as a visiting artist to Moscow, Russia from September 28 through October 5, 2002 for ART in Embassies. On one occasion, she lectured at the Stroganov Art School to a large group of students about contemporary American ceramic artists. Throughout the rest of her visit, she met with professional Russian ceramicists. As an art ambassador she encouraged comparison and discussion of the working methods, lives and opinions of American and Russian artists. With Russian artist Valery Maloletkov, the possibility of co-curating an exhibit of Russian and American ceramics was proposed. During this visit, the goal of mutual understanding was reached with unparalleled success.