Mike Williams

All of my work – paintings, drawings, and sculpture – is inspired by my experiences with nature and the environment. Growing up fishing and hunting South Carolina’s lakes and rivers, swamps and flat-woods, cultivated a healthy respect for all things living. That appreciation for the environment and all its inhabitants is now greater and more important than ever. Urban sprawl and land misuse threatens daily to reduce the earth’s remaining bogs, bays, and forests to burning piles of ash needlessly displacing plant and animal life. Swamp lands and marshes remain some of the most valuable resources on the face of the earth. In a swamp, the ambiguity between positive and negative space – the actual and the reflected image, creates a complex and intriguing visual feast. My paintings of wetland environments preserve a sense of this place through ever shifting, evocative compositions, and the formal exploration of paint. My fish paintings and sculptures manifest as iconic figures of my imagination, experiences as a fisherman, and my physical capabilities as an artist. I strive to keep my work fresh and original, changing like the light of day, insuring it conveys a sense of soul, intuition, and duty.
