Mike Biskup

“In my paintings, Everything flows together. Diverse colors, lines and shapes – People, places, plants and things are woven into one harmoniously functional ecosystem. I want to subtly remind viewers that we humans, in all our diversity, are essentially interconnected, and with thoughtfulness, can function together harmoniously as well,” says watercolor painter Mike Biskup. He begins each work by sitting with a blank sheet of paper and either black ink or watercolor paint, turning on some music, and letting his unconscious mind lead. “I am most satisfied when the painting seems to create itself,” he says. Biskup grew up drawing with his brothers in Washinton State’s Olympic Peninsula, his enthusiasm for art seeping into his schoolwork and drawing notice from his teachers. While studying for his fine art degree at the University of California, Santa Cruz, he encountered Zen Buddhism and Native American Spirituality. When he was fifty, “a powerful mystical experience shed new light on Everything.”
