Frosty Rankin

“I like to evoke an emotion or mood with my work. I use mist and smoke, strong light, and reflection to achieve these feelings. I am inspired by nature and the environment, If I thought I could save the world by capturing it on canvas, I’d be painting day and night!”

Frosty Rankin, a Kentucky artist, is receiving accolades in art festivals across the state for his depiction of Kentucky landscapes. Rankin, who works in his studio/gallery and print shop located in picturesque Millersburg, Kentucky has a life long passion for fine art. Rankin was an honors scholar in art during High School and received scholarships for summer studies at Murray State University, after high school, he was awarded a invitational scholarship to continue his art studies at the famous Ringling School of Art, in Sarasota Florida. Now after a twenty-five year career as a professional manager in graphic arts, printing and advertising, Rankin has returned to his first love, painting. He most recently was named “Emerging Artist of the Year in Kentucky” by VSA Arts of Kentucky in 2009. His paintings, print reproductions and note cards capture the peaceful beauty of the rural settings he loves and are rapidly growing in popularity at festivals and art shows across the state of Kentucky and surrounding states.
