Branislav Nikolic

Branislav Nikolic works in a variety of media, including painting and photography. His sculptural pieces, made from reclaimed materials, such as his Beogradski Stubovi (Belgrade Pillars) have a special resonance not only because of their formal appeal, but also because of the significance of their materials. By reusing discarded pieces of wood and metal from an old building, Nikolic gives new life and reverence to objects that would otherwise be forgotten. His pillars take on an archaeological quality in their reference to the earlier life of the materials as well as in their visual reference to ancient architecture – the kind of old buildings that would have featured massive pillars like those created by Nikolic. His sculpture provides an updated, modern version of long-forgotten forms and materials.

Nikolic received a Master of Fine Arts degree from the Academy of Fine Arts in Novi Sad and the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Enschede, Netherlands. He has exhibited extensively in group and solo shows around his native Serbia, as well as abroad, and has received several awards. Nikolic is a member of the Visual Artists Association of Serbia and the New Remote international art collective. He currently lives and works in Belgrade.
