Barbara Schneider

My ongoing interest in the Japanese concept of Wabi-Sabi, finding beauty in things that are imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete is at the core of all of my art work. I like to try and capture the essence of images made of light and movement, images that are infinitely variable. What does the eye see? What does the camera see? What does the mind see? My Reflections series explores the concept of reflection and how to capture the essence of images that are not physically there, images made of light and movement, images that change. My Leaves series is an exploration and interpretation of natural images by enlarging and reshaping them. I collect leaves, pods, flowers, grasses and look closely at their structure and shape. In particular, I like to collect these natural objects at the end of summer when they have begun to wither and fragment. Looking at them closely and then enlarging them allows me to see them as sculptural objects. I look at the play of light upon surfaces, and shaping the pieces introduces a new element – light and shadow interacting with the undulating surfaces.

Reflection continues to be my theme. It is what I do throughout my work process as well as what I hope viewers do as they look at the completed work.

I began quilting in 1996 and rediscovered the pleasure of working with cloth, paint, dye, and thread. My background is in visual design and I worked for many years as a designer in the publishing industry. I make handmade paper and collect Japanese folk art. I take lots of photos of found objects, nature, shadows, tactile details. These have had a strong influence on the direction of my work. My work has been exhibited nationally and internationally and is in many collections.

Honors and Exhibits:
Quilt National, 2011
Reflections, Burano, Italy, var. 2 , U. S. Embassy in Vientiane, Laos
Summers End, Solo exhibit at the University of Madison Arboretum
Women’s Journeys in Fiber 10 Year Retrospective, The Dole Gallery, Crystal Lake, IL
500 Art Quilts: An Inspiring Collection of Contemporary Work – work included in newly released book
1000 Artisan Textiles – work included in newly released book
The Art Quilt Collection – work included in newly released book
